
Holotype, worker. (Cole collection No. 2285). Total length, 6.0 mm. Head, excluding mandibles, a little longer than broad, slightly broader behind than in front, with convex posterior and lateral borders. Clypeus carinate its entire length, the anterior border entire and angularly projecting, its median lobe large, very convex, abrubtly set off from the lateral portions and projecting abruptly from them in front. Frontal area triangular, broader than long, markedly depressed, its apical angle not as well marked as the basal angles. Frontal carinae short and strongly divergent. Frontal furrow faint but visible for a distance as great as the length of the frontal carinae. Frontal lobes sharply angular. Mandibles stout, strongly convex, 8-toothed. Antennal scapes slightly curved, rather stout, evenly thickened from base to apex, extending about one-third their length beyond the posterior corners of the head; funicular joints longer than broad, basal joints longer and narrower than apical joints, basal joint the longest, terminal joint nearly as long as the two preceding j-oints taken together and tapering toward the apex.

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