
A new computer program has been developed to convert electron probe microanalysis data into accurate measurements of chemical composition. It is menu-based and designed to operate off-line using any IBM PC compatible computer. As shown in the flowchart, fig. 1, the architecture is modular and the programming language adopted is a compilable version of BASIC which possesses much of the processing speed associated with FORTRAN or C. Specimens containing up to fifteen elements, with 4 ≤ Z ≤ 96, can be handled and all the major x-ray lines (Kα, Kβ, Lα, L(β, Mα and Mβ) are available for analysis purposes.The procedure itself is based upon the classical ZAF approach in which corrections for atomic number (Z), x-ray absorption (A), characteristic fluorescence (Fl) and continuum fluorescence (F2) are treated independently. The factors dealing with fluorescence are essentially those of Reed (characteristic) and Springer (continuum) although both contain minor updates. However, the atomic number and absorption factors are the authors' own and the latter, developed from a quadrilateral representation of the x-ray distribution with depth in a solid, distinguishes this program from others.

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