
Estimation of hydraulic parameters and groundwater depletion of aquitards is necessary to evaluate the groundwater resources and land subsidence. In this study, an analytical solution for water release from a nonlinear consolidated aquitard was derived by approximating the drawdown history as a continuous piecewise linear drawdown function (PLD) with several stages, while the water level in adjacent aquifers varies arbitrarily over time. According to dimensionless and parameter sensitivity analyses, groundwater depletion of an aquitard increases with an increase in compression index, aquitard thickness, and water drawdown rate in adjacent aquifers, decreases with an increase in initial void ratio and effective stress, and is not affected by the consolidation coefficient. In addition, we proposed a type-curve fitting method to calculate the hydraulic parameters of the aquitard under the condition of PLD in adjacent aquifers. The proposed method was applied to estimate the hydraulic parameters of aquitards at two field sites in the Yangtze River Delta in China, i.e., Changzhou and Shanghai. Results show that the compression index of the aquitards in Changzhou and Shanghai are 0.074 and 0.24, respectively, while the consolidation coefficients are 7.62 × 10-7 m2/s and 2.16 × 10-6 m2/s, respectively. The hydraulic conductivity and specific storage estimated by the proposed method are in good agreement with previous studies and the results of the geological method of Konikow and Neuzil (2007). The proposed analytical method for estimating hydraulic parameters and groundwater depletion of aquitards will contribute to the sustainable management of groundwater resources in multi-layer aquifer systems.

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