
(Hopet 1976), the name R. anagalliJlorum refers to the present new species. Rhododendron xenium is placed in section Vireya subsect. Euvireya ser. Linnaeoidea Sleumer based on scale and corolla features and leaf size. It has the typical Euvire) a scales, sessile, moderately lobed with a small variously colored center, and a corolla that is not salver-shaped; it is placed in series Linnaeoidea because of its small leaves, less than 1 cm by 0.6 cm (Sleumer! 1966). So far this species has only been recorded from Mount Jaya in the Illdonesian province of West Papua (Irian Jaya) on the island of New Guinea. It appears to be most closelv related to R. womersleyi and R. rubineiflorum; however. it differs from these two in numerous characters, outlined in Table 1. The most obvious differing characters are the length of the pedicel and stvle at anthesist and the arrangement of the leaves. Other notable differences between the three species occur in the leaf apex shape and size, corolla shape pedicel indumentum, perulae indumentum. stamen lengthe and staminal filament indumentum (Table 1). The species epithet is derived from the Greek, xenion, gift to a guest, and is in reference to the long pedicel that presents the flower well above the foliage and thus facilitates feeding (and pollination) by nectarivorous birds that are presumed to visit the flowers of this species.

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