
This paper presents a cognitive model for an action execution process—the sensory motor system (SMS)—as a new module of the system-level cognitive model for “Learning Intelligent Distribution Agent” (LIDA). Action execution refers to a situation in which a software agent or robot transforms a selected goal-directed action into low-level executable actions and executes them in the real world. A sensorimotor system derived from the subsumption architecture has been implemented into the SMS; several cognitive neuroscience hypotheses have been incorporated as well, including the two visual systems. A computational SMS has been created inside a LIDA-based software agent in Webots to model the execution of a grip action; its simulated results have been verified against human performance. This computational verification by the comparison of model and human behaviors supports the SMS as a qualitatively reasonable cognitive model for action execution. Finally, the SMS has been compared with other alternative models of action execution; this supports the assertion that our new action execution module is applicable across a range of cognitive architectures.

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