
Decades of research have solidified the crucial role that social determinants of health (SDOH) play in shaping health outcomes, yet strategies to address these upstream factors remain elusive. The aim of this study was to understand the extent to which US nonprofit hospitals invest in SDOH at either the community or individual patient level and to provide examples of programs in each area. We analyzed data from a national dataset of 613 hospital community health needs assessments and corresponding implementation strategies. Among sample hospitals, 69.3% (n = 373) identified SDOH as a top-5 health need in their community and 60.6% (n = 326) reported investments in SDOH. Of hospitals with investments in SDOH, 44% of programs addressed health-related social needs of individual patients, while the remaining 56% of programs addressed SDOH at the community level. Hospitals that were major teaching organizations, those in the Western region of the United States, and hospitals in counties with more severe housing problems had greater odds of investing in SDOH at the community level. Although many nonprofit hospitals have integrated SDOH-related activities into their community benefit work, stronger policies are necessary to encourage greater investments at the community-level that move beyond the needs of individual patients.

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