
Abstract — A national glacier outline inventory for several different times since the end of the Little Ice Age (LIA) in Iceland has been created with input from several research groups and institutions, and submitted to the GLIMS (Global Land Ice Measurements from Space, nsidc.org/glims) database, where it is openly available. The glacier outlines have been revised and updated for consistency and the most representative outline chosen. The maximum glacier extent during the LIA was not reached simultaneously in Iceland, but many glaciers started retreating from their outermost LIA moraines around 1890. The total area of glaciers in Iceland in 2019 was approximately 10,400 km2, and has decreased by more than 2200 km2 since the end of the 19th century (corresponding to an 18% loss in area) and by approximately 750 km2 since ~2000. The larger ice caps have lost 10–30% of their maximum LIA area, whereas intermediate-size glaciers have been reduced by up to 80%. During the first two decades of the 21st century, the decrease rate has on average been approximately 40 km2 a-1. During this period, some tens of small glaciers have disappeared entirely. Temporal glacier inventories are important for climate change studies, for calibration of glacier models, for studies of glacier surges and glacier dynamics, and they are essential for better understanding of the state of glaciers. Although surges, volcanic eruptions and jökulhlaups influence the position of some glacier termini, glacier variations have been rather synchronous in Iceland, largely following climatic variations since the end of the 19th century.

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