
Monkeypox is a rare zoonotic DNAwith lineage from the Poxviridae family, Chordopoxvirinae subfamily, and Orthopoxvirus genus.With a previous history of controlled and contained occasional outbreaks of the virus, currently, a widely erupted outbreak of monkeypox with progressively rising numbers has been reported since May 2022 in multiple countries of the western hemisphere that are not historically endemic for this infection, particularly the United Kingdom and European Union countries. We have written a comprehensive review article to help clinicians better understand the disease. The global cessation of smallpox vaccination has been hypothesized to cause the rise in monkeypox infections in recent years.Monkeypox, like any other viral infection, commences with prodromal symptoms; a maculopapular rash with centrifugal distribution usually follows.Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) confirms the diagnosis.Transmission in humans is possible through infected animals or humans.In the ongoing 2022 outbreak, the monkeypox virus has been undergoing novel mutations at an alarming rate.Treatment options for monkeypox are an area that still requires extensive research, and the utility of certain antiviral medications in treating monkeypox infection is currently being explored but is still controversial and debatable.

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