
Stressors of various nature impact fish reproduction from the physiological to the behavioural levels. Seasonal changes such as drought and pluvial (rainfall) variations have a profound effect on reproduction of semiarid tropical fishes. In the semiarid tropical region of Brazil the factors that influence fish reproduction are changes in rainfall regimes and drought. These environmental changes can either stimulate or inhibit reproduction in fishes. Information on these fundamental variables on reproduction can help management and conservation of tropical fishes. Information on fish reproduction also is an important factor for understanding the freshwater ecosystems of the semiarid region. This paper is a narrative review on the effects caused by rainfall and drought on reproduction of some cichlids and an annual fish from the semiarid region of Brazil. During the breeding period cichlid fishes demonstrate aggressive behavior and dominant fishes often get priority of access to territories and mates. On the other hand, the annual fishes have rapid growth and gonadal development to complete their life cycle within a short span of time. Fishes which are subjected to varying pluvial pressures have characteristic life history patterns.

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