
Abstract: In the article, in relation to the nameless relativ, one of the syntactic criteria for determining the degree of grammaticalization of a significant word is considered by EXAMPLE. The relevance of the study is determined by the need to determine the place of each derived unit of the service type in the language system. The object of research is a prepositional unit BY EXAMPLE, which is included in the group of nominal relatives. The subject of our research is the degree of grammaticalization of the nameless relativ BY EXAMPLE. The purpose of the study is to determine the grammaticalization stage at which the nameless relativ is located BY EXAMPLE. The paper uses a descriptive method and a corpus method of collecting research material. The scientific novelty consists in the first described models of interaction of a prepositional-case combination, FOR example, with adjectives included in its composition. Based on the analysis of the linguistic material presented in the National Corpus of the Russian language, two main types of models have been established – with a pronominal and a non-nominal adjective. It is shown that a non-nominal adjective in such a model acts in two functions: the actant name function and the modifier function, which is typical for a significant number of similar structures with other prepositional derived units. It is revealed that personal pronominal adjectives also indicate the name of the actor. It is determined that demonstrative pronominal adjectives do not have named functions. Their entry into the model indicates the absence of a service function in the combination FOR EXAMPLE. The article concludes that the nameless relativ, by example, is only at the initial stage of grammaticalization.

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