
Perhaps the most important old Hungarian pharmacy-related document of the past decades surfaced in 2022: the “Articuli Pharmacopolarum Tyrnaviensium” (Pharmacist regulations of Trnava /a town, now in West-Slovakia, the former Nagyszombat in the realm of the old Hungarian Kingdom. The regulation was issued in 1748 in Latin by Maria Theresa, Empress of the Habsburg Empire and Queen of Hungary. The seller, who Szabolcs Dobson MD bought the Documentum from, was a private individual and was not aware of its content. In Hungary, it was the first regulation issued for a pharmacists’ local community that provided a minute, real, graphic and lively picture of this town’s pharmaceutical professionals and the contemporary therapeutic practice and guidelines. There was a printed document of these regulations published in 1852 by Ferenc Linzbauer in its original Latin version. Ignác Schwarz published the first Hungarian translation in 1894. However, this translation was incomplete and missed about one-third of the original core text. The present study contains the first entire Hungarian wording of the “Articuli Pharmacopolarum Tyrnaviensium” prepared by Csilla Tuza and Katalin Kincses.

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