
The actualization topic of mutually complementary teams is being caused by the complexity of the business environment, which requires transformation from the sole management to the common leadership, that is able to ensure the eff ectiveness and effi ciency of the company’s activities in both the short- and long-term period. Th e main drawbacks of management training programs are identifi ed, which do not allow graduates to form an idea of the company as a complex system. Th e conceptual diff erences that should be followed when teaching management are presented: a) owners and top managers; b) functional specialists. Th e main functions of management, which are mutually complementary, but between which there is a confl ict in the short-term period, are highlighted and researched in details. It was shown that the highquality managers training involves the compilation of a management style code in order to identify their fortes and precedence. Th e interpretation of two kinds and three directions of people integration (according to I. Adizes) into a cohesive team is being given. Th e conclusion had been done due to the increasing speed and interdependence of changes, companies are facing complex of problems, in the solution of which people with knowledge from various fi elds have to take part simultaneously, which is only possible, if the organization manages to create a mutually complementary team of top managers.

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