
Seagrass meadows are threatened biodiversity hot spots that provide essential ecosystem services. Green sea turtles may overgraze meadows, further enhancing seagrass decline. However, we observed an unexpected, remarkable recovery of seagrasses in a previously overgrazed meadow with abundant unattached branched coralline algae, suggesting that turtle grazing had ceased. We hypothesize that this recovery is due to an effective grazing-protection mutualism, in which the spiny coralline algae structures protect the seagrass meadows from overgrazing, while the seagrasses protect the algae from removal by currents and waves. Removing coralline algae from recovered seagrass plots allowed the turtles to resume grazing, while addition of coralline algae to grazed plots caused cessation of grazing. Coralline algae that were placed on bare sand were quickly displaced by wave action, whereas those placed in grazed or ungrazed seagrass remained. Our experiments demonstrate a grazing-protection mutualism, which likely explains the witnessed recovery of an overgrazed seagrass meadow. To our knowledge, this is the first account of a plant–plant grazing-protection mutualism in an aquatic environment. Our findings show that grazing-protection mutualisms can be vital for the maintenance and recovery of ecosystems shaped by habitat-structuring foundation species, and highlight the importance of mutualisms in coastal ecosystems. As seagrasses, sea turtles and coralline algae share habitats along tropical shores worldwide, the mutualism may be a global phenomenon. Overgrazing is expected to increase, and this mutualism adds a new perspective to the conservation and restoration of these valuable ecosystems.

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