
Children with autism face significant barriers to accessing evaluations and intervention services often because of confusing referral processes, lack of centralized coordination across organizations serving children with autism, insurance coverage gaps, multiyear waitlists for diagnostic services, and limited provider knowledge about autism. Racism and systemic inequities exist and persist in autism care across the United States. This article reviews targeted initiatives implemented by a multidisciplinary team to advocate for, and address barriers faced, by autistic children and their families in Washington, DC. We describe initiatives across multiple levels of the health care system including: 1. infrastructure-building initiatives (eg, coalition-building, policy, and advocacy); 2. enabling services (eg, population- and community-level supports that increase provider capacity to serve children's and families' needs); and 3. direct services (eg, innovative, gap-filling programs that directly serve children and families). We review outcomes and describe lessons learned.

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