
A new framework for selective excitation that offers simpler design and better performance than conventional excitation methods is introduced. The guidelines for choosing the appropriate radiofrequency (rf) pulse envelope in a conventional selective excitation sequence often rely on Fourier analysis, leading to less than desirable results. Although providing useful insight, Fourier analysis of the rf pulse envelope determines the resultant slice shape accurately only for small flip-angle excitations, and not for larger flip-angle excitations owing to the generally nonlinear behavior of the spin system. In the new excitation framework, additional excitation pulses (typically one) are applied in sequence with the conventional pulse to improve the performance (in phase characteristics and slice definition) over that achieved by the conventional pulse alone. Given a desired spatial spin distribution and an associated rf pulse (e.g., Fourier transform pairs), the Bloch equation is solved backwards to yield the starting distribution required for the conventional pulse to give exactly the desired output. If this residual distribution is a small flip angle away from the actual starting distribution, then Fourier analysis of the residual distribution leads to the necessary "setup" pulse. A gradient of opposite polarity during the setup obviates a refocusing interval after the setup pulse. Computer simulations have verified the efficacy of the multiple-pulse excitation sequence for both 90 degrees and 180 degrees excitations.

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