
We have developed a method that implies the use of a particular type of substrate which can be used in combination with alkaline phosphatase in detecting nucleic acid on filters. The method allows the detection of several different nucleic acid sequences on a single filter. In consecutive steps, the target DNA molecules are hybridized with different digoxigenin-labeled DNA probes. After each hybridization step, digoxigenin is detected with an antibody-alkaline phosphatase conjugate. This enzyme is subsequently visualized by a color reaction using different 2-hydroxy-3-naphthoic acid anilide (naphthol AS) phosphates as substrates in combination with varying diazonium salts. The multiple-staining procedure is based on the fact that the probe DNA-antibody complex can be removed while the color precipitate remains stably bound at its place on the filter. This allows several repeated hybridizations with other digoxigenin-labeled probes followed by antibody detection and color reaction with other naphthol AS phosphate-diazonium salt combinations. Aside from the ability to simultaneously visualize different target DNAs on a single filter, this new method provides several important features that are more powerful than the conventional 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphatenitro blue tetrazolium (BCIP-NBT) color reaction for alkaline phosphatase. The colors are more stable and brilliant than BCIP-NBT; their development is faster, the resolution of closely spaced bands is greater, and the background is much lower. The detection limit for alkaline phosphates is as good as with BCIP-NBT (0.1 pg of DNA). One major advantage is the simplicity of removing the colors by ethanol incubation. In this paper, the method is described using the example of Southern blotted DNA fragments. However, the technique can be applied to almost every kind of hybrid detection.

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