
Lepidoptera play an important role in terrestrial ecosystems as pollinators, as components of the food chain and as indicators for healthy ecosystems due to their sensitivity to change. Heterogeneous landscapes with variability of topographical features, vegetation structure combined with food sources for all life stages are the basis for successful lepidopteran oviposition. A multiple-scale analysis is proposed to understand the hierarchical relationships between selected site to plant characteristics and oviposition preferences for the dingy skipper (Erynnis tages). To achieve this goal, factors driving oviposition at the plant and patch scale were identified and scale dependencies at the site scale were assessed. At the plant scale, tallest host plants were used for oviposition; however relative egg height upon each plant was similar in both host plant species [bird’s-foot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus) and horseshoe vetch (Hippocrepis comosa)]. The main factors preferred by E. tages in L. corniculatus patches were sward height and percent of bare ground, and in H. comosa host plant density patches. Selected patches had slopes of greater gradients (mostly facing south) than patches with no selected host plants. At the site scale, oviposition patches were clustered at small scales and oviposition sites were dispersed at larger scales. Our study suggests that oviposition selection in E. tages is a hierarchical process varying from the site to the plant scale. Our study provides empirical evidence useful to inform landscape management strategies. These can be expanded to assess larger scale vegetation and habitat suitability beyond individual sites for systematic conservation planning.

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