
This case study aimed to understand the lived experiences of the Persons Deprived of Liberty of Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm in Puerto Princesa City. The study utilized a qualitative research design using multiple case study approach, with seven Persons Deprived of Liberty chosen through purposive sampling. Coding type of analysis was used as a data analysis tool. Results revealed, that the PDL were experiencing just and humane treatment from the jail officers especially that they were provided meaningful and useful activities and programs. On the challenges and coping mechanisms, they mentioned that challenges are triggered by different factors and their coping mechanisms are varied and it is important for their survival inside the correctional facility. Further, their insights were shared by giving lessons they discovered through individual liberty deprivation. The lived experiences of the PDL are eye opener to the whole community, to support them in order to provide them a social service intervention meant to address the issues and difficulties encountered by the PDL, this support will bring great impact as it will transform the lives of the PDL. KEYWORDS: In-prison treatment, Persons deprived of liberty, transformation, case study, Puerto Princesa City, Philippines

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