
A laser coherence analyser is described which yields simultaneous temporal and spatial coherence analysis of laser beams. It is of particular application to high power pulsed laser systems, for high speed holography and non-linear optics, where the short duration of the pulse (often less than 50 nsec) excludes the use of photoelectric spectrometers, employing time variation scanning of the optical path length. The instrument consists of two high quality spherical mirrors, having dielectric multilayer coatings of reflectivity typically 0.95 to 0.97, separated by a cylindrical invar spacer of adjustable length. In use, the spacer is normally set so that the pole separation of the plates is a few hundred micrometres less than their common radius of curvature (typically 10 cm). The resulting defocusing term combines with spherical aberration to yield a multiple beam interferogram having an annular region of nearly linear dispersion. Spectral resolving powers in the range 107 to 108 are readily obtainable. When the input beam possesses a high degree of spatial coherence, the fringes of the concentric rings interference pattern are alternately of high and low intensity, the visibility of the alternation being a direct measure of the spatial coherence. This alternation effect may be eliminated by obstructing one-half of the input aperture. Any spatial, spectral or intensity variations across the laser beam are superposed on the fringe pattern, since the spherical interferometer is not translationally invariant in a parallel beam. This is in contrast to the behaviour of a plane Fabry-Pérot etalon. The experimental characteristics of the instrument, and its properties, as predicted by numerical computation, are examined both for C.W. and pulsed lasers. The effect of the finite response time is described. This is particularly important when the coherence analyser is employed in conjunction with an image tube streak camera to obtain time-resolved spectra of pulsed systems. Both time-integrated and time-resolved fringe profiles are considered for various types of laser pulse. The effect of plate defects on fringe profiles is also considered in outline. In addition to providing quasi-linear dispersion and information on coherence and other spatial properties of the input, the instrument described has the advantages of providing high illumination, and of being easy to use in practice, the plates remaining permanently in alignment.

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