
The Muirhead mean (MM) operators offer a flexible arrangement with its modifiable factors because of Muirhead’s general structure. On the other hand, MM aggregation operators perform a significant role in conveying the magnitude level of options and characteristics. In this manuscript, the complex spherical fuzzy uncertain linguistic set (CSFULS), covering the grade of truth, abstinence, falsity, and their uncertain linguistic terms is proposed to accomplish with awkward and intricate data in actual life dilemmas. Furthermore, by using the MM aggregation operators with the CSFULS, the complex spherical fuzzy uncertain linguistic MM (CSFULMM), complex spherical fuzzy uncertain linguistic weighted MM (CSFULWMM), complex spherical fuzzy uncertain linguistic dual MM (CSFULDMM), complex spherical fuzzy uncertain linguistic dual weighted MM (CSFULDWMM) operators, and their important results are also elaborated with the help of some remarkable cases. Additionally, multi-attribute decision-making (MADM) based on the Multi-MOORA (Multi-Objective Optimization Based on a Ratio Analysis plus full multiplicative form), and proposed operators are developed. To determine the rationality and reliability of the elaborated approach, some numerical examples are illustrated. Finally, the supremacy and comparative analysis of the elaborated approaches with the help of graphical expressions are also developed.

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