
Aging critical infrastructures and valuable machineries together with recent catastrophic incidents such as the collapse of Morandi bridge calls for an urgent quest to design advanced and innovative data-driven solutions and efficiently incorporate multi-sensor streaming data sources for condition-based maintenance. Remaining Useful Life (RUL) is a crucial measure used in this regard within manufacturing and industrial systems, and its accurate estimation enables improved decision-making for operations and maintenance. Capitalizing on the recent success of multiple-model (also referred to as hybrid or mixture of experts) deep learning techniques, the paper proposes a hybrid deep neural network framework for RUL estimation, referred to as the Hybrid Deep Neural Network Model (HDNN). The proposed HDNN framework is the first hybrid deep neural network model designed for RUL estimation that integrates two deep learning models simultaneously and in a parallel fashion. More specifically, in contrary to the majority of existing data-driven prognostic approaches for RUL estimation, which are developed based on a single deep model and can hardly maintain good generalization performance across various prognostic scenarios, the proposed HDNN framework consists of two parallel paths (one LSTM and one CNN) followed by a fully connected multilayer fusion neural network which acts as the fusion centre combining the output of the two paths to form the target RUL. The HDNN uses the LSTM path to extract temporal features while simultaneously the CNN is utilized to extract spatial features. The proposed HDNN framework is tested on the NASA commercial modular aero-propulsion system simulation (C-MAPSS) dataset. Our comprehensive experiments and comparisons with several recently proposed RUL estimation methodologies developed based on the same data-sets show that the proposed HDNN framework significantly outperforms all its counterparts in the complicated prognostic scenarios with increased number of operating conditions and fault modes.

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