
Marine species that are widely distributed in the Tropical Eastern Pacific (TEP) has served as a model for studying biogeographic patterns resulting from the effects of intraregional habitat discontinuities and oceanographic processes on the diversification and evolution of cryptobenthic reef fishes. Tomicodon petersii, a clingfish (Gobiesocidae) endemic to the TEP, is found on very shallow rocky reefs from central Mexico to northern Peru, and in the Cocos and Galapagos islands. We evaluated the effect of likely biogeographic barriers in different parts of the TEP on the diversification process of this species. We used one mitochondrial and three nuclear DNA markers from 112 individuals collected across the distribution range of T. petersii. Our phylogenetic results showed the samples constituted a monophyletic group, with three well-supported, allopatric subgroups: in the Mexican province, the Panamic province (from El Salvador to Ecuador), and the Galapagos Islands. The split between the Mexican and more southerly clades was estimated to occur at the end of the Miocene ca. 5.74 Mya, and the subsequent cladogenetic event separating the Galapagos population from the Panamic population at the junction of the Pliocene and Pleistocene, ca. 2.85 Mya. The species tree, Bayesian species delimitation tests (BPP), STACEY, and substantial genetic distances separating these three populations indicate that these three independent evolutionary units likely include two unnamed species. The cladogenetic events that promoted the formation of those genetically differentiated groups are consistent with disruptive effects on gene flow of habitat discontinuities and oceanographic processes along the mainland shoreline in the TEP and of ocean-island isolation, in conjunction with the species intrinsic life-history characteristics.

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