
During the early part of the Allerød period, from c. 13 600 to 13 330 years BP, unstable soils with a tundra-like open, treeless vegetation with Betula nana and Dryas octopetala were found around Søndre Kobberdam in Hareskovene. Open Betula pubescens woodland was not established until the middle Allerød about 13 330 years BP. During the Younger Dryas, Betula nana and Dryas octopetala spread again, and Betula pubescens almost disappeared. From the onset of the Holocene warming an open tundra landscape characterised the area. About 11 300 years BP Betula pubescens started to recolonise the region and Populus tremula and Pinus sylvetris arrived at c. 11 000 years BP, replacing the open landscape by woodland. Along the margin of the lake Carex paniculata, Carex riparia and Cladium mariscus were growing. The lake fauna included a rich and diverse fauna of molluscs that thrived in the carbonate-rich waters. We did not find any evidence for the local presence of Pinus sylvestris during the late glacial.

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