
Introduction: Older cancer patients have a higher prevalence of chronic health conditions that can have negative effects on functional status and quality of life. Effects of multiple comorbidities in conjunction with a diagnosis of cancerwill require increased surveillance and specific safety protocols to prevent iatrogenic events. As care in cancer centers shifts out of the hospital and into outpatient settings, all nurses and support staff (inpatient and outpatient) must be adequately educated and trained to meet the specialized needs of the geriatric oncology patient across the continuum of care. Objectives: Educate nurses on geriatric syndromes and increase competency in caring for the older adult with cancer across the continuum of care. Methods: A multidisciplinary task force was assembled to create a two day course that is offered twice a year to all nurses at our center and to nurses from outside facilities. It covers topics on: age related physiologic changes, carcinogenesis, advanced care planning, geriatric pharmacology, cancer and nutrition, depression and anxiety, pain management and palliative care, and physical and occupational therapy. Faculty includes clinicians from: Geriatrics, Nursing, Rehabilitation, Pharmacy, Pain and Palliative Care, and Psychiatry. Data was collected from participants: pre and post-course assessment of geriatric oncology knowledge as well as overall educational experience. Results: Over the past four years, 284 nurses completed this course. A 10 item questionnaire was used to evaluate knowledge gained. Test scores recorded for 235 participants improved from 64% (95% CI 62.28– 66.18) to 80% (95% CI 79.01–81.83)with the p value of b0.0001. This is a statistically significant improvement in knowledge. 100%of participants rate the course as very good or excellent on a 5 item Likert-scale in meeting the overall purpose and achieving the objectives of the course. Conclusion: Our center has successfully created a multidisciplinary course to educate all oncology nurses about care of the older cancer patient. This course can serve as a model for other institutions looking to implement educational programs on nursing care of this rapidly increasing population. Disclosure of interest: None declared.

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