
In the recent years one of the database application challenge is to manage large amounts of terabytes of data which contains more and more complex data without sacrifying the real time querying requirements. Client server architecture is used mostly to develop specialized servers optimized to manage most of the database applications. Until recently, most of the organizations were using relational database management systems for their applications as data administration. But, as the data is consistently increasing, so RDBMs cannot handle growing amounts of terabytes of data, such applications require other kinds of databases such as NOSQL databases. A NoSQL (Not Only SQL) database is simple in design and can store terabytes of data with finer control over availability. NoSQL databases such as Hbase are widely used in big data and real-time applications. In Hbase, data is present in a collection of key-value pairs and each possible key is unique in the collection. we present the index structure using quad tree over hbase which can insert large number of multidimensional data based on location and response time of nearest neighbor queries as lower than traditional Relational DBMS system.

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