
Thallium-201 exercise stress testing is a standard method of identifiying ischemia of coronary artery disease, but no model exists for simulating the test. We have developed such a model using compartmental analysis methods. Blood samples were obtained from resting dogs following IV Tl-201 adminis tration, and fitted by a sum of four exponentials, indicative of a four compart ment system. The intercompartmental rate constants were estimated from fitting blood, heart and urinary excretion data using a table top computer; a best fit was obtained by non-linear least squares regression. By partitioning the heart into normal flow and ischemic zones, the effects of varying blood flow during treadmill exercise could be simulated, by summing resting flow and increased flow whose duration was varied by a damping circuit and delay line. Progressively decreasing flow in the perturbed model reproduced the abnormal Tl-201 distribution seen clinically by scanning, and experimentally. This model appears to be a useful simulation of the Tl- 201 exercise stress test.

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