
Objective: To assess Epilepsy Quality Metrics (EQM) and guideline implementation in new pediatric patients seen in telemedicine. Methods: Multicenter, cross sectional, retrospective analysis. Results: Patients were similar across 3 centers for age, gender, and insurance type. Eighty-one percent presented for spells. One hundred sixty patients with epilepsy formed the EQM cohort. Results: Seizures described: 95%; frequency: 67%, last seizure documented: 81%, epilepsy syndrome documented: 67%; epilepsy diagnosis: 77%, medications reviewed: 56%, adverse events discussed: 73%. Quality of life discussed: 3%. Anticipatory guidance was described as follows: seizure safety, 57%; driving, 47%; SUDEP, 11%; vitamin D discussion, 19%; pregnancy and folic acid counseling, 4% and 10%. Epileptologists were 4 times as likely as generalists in discussing driving safety (odds ratio 3.93, 95% confidence interval 1.7-8.9; P = .001) for all ages. Significance: Performance on EQM and guideline implementation in pediatric epilepsy telemedicine encounters can be improved.

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