
As more and more functionally similar Web Services from providers with different Quality of Service (QoS) are available on the Web, a selection needs to be made to determine which services are to participate in a given composite service. Moreover, QoS becomes one of the most important factors for Web Service selection. Indeed, one of the main assets of service-orientation is composition to develop higher level services, so-called composite services, by re-using existing services. However, in distributed environments, the use of services without any quality guarantees from the service providers can negatively affect a composite service. Particularly, a system composed of services that ensures the QoS of individual services which should achieve optimal Composite QoS (CQoS) is always a problem during the search. Meanwhile, accuracy and speed of Web Service selection come to be the new barriers. This paper deals with the selection of composite Web services on the base of Multi-Agents negotiation. The objective of these agents is to find out the best CQoS. The proposed Multi-Agents architecture is compared to an existing approach in terms of execution time. The experiments have demonstrated that our approach takes a largely lower time.

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