
Individuals with specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia have below-average learning performance. The state regulations require such learners to be integrated in public schools, but they need specific teaching methods, additional lessons with specially trained teachers, etc. We present a conceptual model of environment for facilities development that serves teachers in providing personalized e-teaching (Fig. 1). The model of Subject Domain (SD) defines a framework for educational process in two aspects – psychologists’ and educators’. The teacher’s representation of SD is goal-oriented. It determines basic requirements to e-learning facilities. The model Cognitive Ability shows the specific cognitive abilities necessary for achievement of main educational objectives in a concrete subject. They are fixed through mapping SD description on the basic human cognitive abilities. In that way a learner’s cognitive profile is determined by adequate to this SD learning characteristics. Model Pedagogical Room designs suitable methodology for learning activities in interaction with the models Teaching Methods and Pedagogical Instruments. The model Teaching − Learning Goals, which depends on the corresponding SD educational goals, influences on the aforesaid two models. The models are context-independent (global), so the learning facilities’ production requires contextualization. The model Learner serves for personalization.

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