
A direct numerical simulation (DNS) coupling with multi-zone chemistry mapping (MZCM) is presented to simulate flame propagation and auto-ignition in premixed fuel/air mixtures. In the MZCM approach, the physical domain is mapped into a low-dimensional phase domain with a few thermodynamic variables as the independent variables. The approach is based on the fractional step method, in which the flow and transport are solved in the flow time steps whereas the integration of the chemical reaction rates and heat release rate is performed in much finer time steps to accommodate the small time scales in the chemical reactions. It is shown that for premixed mixtures, two independent variables can be sufficient to construct the phase space to achieve a satisfactory mapping. The two variables can be the temperature of the mixture and the specific element mass ratio of H atom for fuels containing hydrogen atoms. An aliasing error in the MZCM is investigated. It is shown that if the element mass ratio is based on the element involved in the most diffusive molecules, the aliasing error of the model can approach zero when the grid in the phase space is refined. The results of DNS coupled with MZCM (DNS-MZCM) are compared with full DNS that integrates the chemical reaction rates and heat release rate directly in physical space. Application of the MZCM to different mixtures of fuel and air is presented to demonstrate the performance of the method for combustion processes with different complexity in the chemical kinetics, transport and flame–turbulence interaction. Good agreement between the results from DNS and DNS-MZCM is obtained for different fuel/air mixtures, including H2/air, CO/H2/air and methane/air, while the computational time is reduced by nearly 70%. It is shown that the MZCM model can properly address important phenomena such as differential diffusion, local extinction and re-ignition in premixed combustion.

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