
The study aims to determine the mediating and moderating effects of effectual constructs of social sciences theories when categorized under the PCDO (People, Context, Deal, and Opportunity) framework. The PCDO Model is developed for commercial Entrepreneurship and subsequently developed to apply in the Social Entrepreneurship framework with variables focussed on creating Social Value Proposition (SVP). In this article, the PCDO framework of Social Entrepreneurship is further enhanced with functional constructs and seeks to make the model more holistic. This multifaceted approach will lead to understanding the conceptual framework from various dimensions and enabling the Context to be more multi-theoretical. This study uses four functional constructs, Social Innovation, Social Sustainability, Social Livelihood, and Social Identity, to build a multi-level & multi-theoretical conceptual framework. In all the constructs, the sub-constructs are also identified, and subsequently, a logical model was developed to make the concept more versatile and multidimensional. At the conceptual level and in the literature survey, the relationships between the various social sciences theories are established when modeled on the PCDO framework. The model was substantiated by superimposing the case study method and observed to be conceptually sound in nature.

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