
Multi Server Computation (MSC) is used to accomplish a common computation among multiple users while keeping the data of each party secret from others. Cloud computing is a next generation computing solution in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) which allows its users to use high speed infrastructure and services provided by Cloud Service Providers (CSP). Therefore, deployment of cloud based architecture for MSCs would aid in improving its performance and efficiency. However, cloud based solutions raises concerns over security of users' private data, since data is handled by an external party that cannot be trusted. Hence, it is necessary to incorporate necessary security measures to ensure the security of users' private data. In this thesis “A Multi Server Storage Authentication System for Cloud Computing” is proposed to ensure security, privacy and anonymity of user's private data. In order to achieve this, we have formulated a case involving sales data analysis of a certain organization through computing statistical parameters of sales person's private sales data on a cloud environment. Moreover, considering the results, it is conclusive that cloud platforms can be successfully deployed to improve efficiency of MSCs while ensuring the security of users' private data; which in turn provides evidence for the practicability of multi-party based cloud computing solutions.

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