
The person of Jesus is undoubtedly one of the most enigmatic in the world of religions. This article aims to a reflection on Jesus’ Mystic in His integrative (not dichotomic) relationship with the Father (Abba). Jesus’ Mystic with the Father is almost a constant recharge of divinity, which is as a treasure hidden by Christ’s humanity, especially for a vision of God in the Old Testament: an inaccessible God and at the same time, in Rudolf Otto’s conception, fascinans et tremendum (fascinating and tremendous), generating an ambiguous and dichotomic man’s relationship with God. As result, Jesus breaks this kind of relationship and God becomes Abba (Daddy! ), creating a complementary and integrative relationship with the Father, as stated by Martin Buber (I - Eternal Thou), and that wants of His children the full realization (Jo 10,10) here on Earth and in everlasting life like the river that becomes ocean (Saint Austin).

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