
An analysis of three phenotypes expressed by the apterous-four ( ap 4) mutant of Drosophila melanogaster has been carried out in ap 4 ap + mosaic adults. The wing and haltere deficiency phenotype was found to be autonomous for entirely mutant structures. However, small patches of mutant anterior and posterior wing margin cells can exist in mosaic wings. Examples of duplicated and triplicated lengths of bristle rows were often found associated with the existing mutant patches. About 20% of the mosaics expressed the phenotype of precocious adult death, dying 30–40 hr after eclosion. The focus for this phenotype was located in the posterior region of the abdomen, and a strong correlation was found between expression of this phenotype and the presence of mutant Malpighian tubules. The focus for juvenile hormone deficiency in ap 4 adults was located near that for precocious adult death; in fact, the two foci may be identical. It is suggested that defective functioning of ap 4 adult Malpighian tubules results in abnormal hemolymph leading to early death. Inadequate juvenile hormone secretion could result indirectly from impaired glandular functioning attributable to abnormal adult hemolymph.

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