
Abstract The evaluation of teacher’s work has traditionally been a cornerstone of educational systems worldwide, driven by the need to maintain educational standards and ensure teacher accountability. Recognizing the limitations of conventional evaluation practices, a growing movement advocates for a more sustainable and inclusive approach that values the complex nature of teaching. The aim of the research is to analyse ways for incorporating a more sustainable framework in the assessment of teacher’s daily work. The data of 73 observed lessons protocols allow concluding that the recorded statistical data provide only a general overview of classroom practices. Qualitative data serve as a valuable tool for gaining in-depth insights into the context of the classroom problems and the direction toward possible solutions. The main findings of the study: prioritizing student learning and promoting their sustainable development, with an emphasis on independent learning and developing meta-cognitive skills are significant factors of our proposed approach to teacher’s work evaluation, as well as taking into consideration teachers’ beliefs, experience and attitudes in line with the observers’ subjectivity.

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