
A More flavored Higgs boson arises when the flavor structure encoded in SUSY extensions of the SM is transmited to the Higgs sector. The flavor-Higgs transmition mechanism can have a radiative or mixing origin, as it is illustrated with several examples, and can produce interesting Higgs signatures that can be probed at future high-energy colliders. Within the MSSM, the flavor mediation mechanism can be of radiative type, as it is realized trhough gaugino-slepton loops, which transmit the flavor structture of the soft-breaking sector to the Higgs bosons. In particular we focus on evaluating the contributions from the general trilinear terms to the lepton flavor violating Higgs (LFV) vertices. On the other hand, as an example of flavor mediation through mixing, we discuss an E_6 inspired multi-Higgs model, with an abelian flavor symmetry, where LFV as well as lepton flavor conserving Higgs effects are found to arise, though in this case at tree-level. We find that Tevatron and LHC can provide information on the flavor structure of these models through the detection of the LFV higgs mode h-> tau+mu, while NLC can perform high-precision measurements of the LFC mode h-> tau tau.

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