
<P>With my new MD degree in hand and my car packed with every item from my tiny apartment, I set out on the 12-hour drive to my new home in Albuquerque, New Mexico. My new title, Pediatric Intern, had no real significance yet, and I happily drove through the deserts of California to the mountains of New Mexico. On arrival in New Mexico, mail awaited me from my program with my intern schedule included. I opened the envelope excitedly and as I read the page inside, a pit began to form in my stomach. “PICU” ... ”PICU” ... my very first month as an intern, I would be starting in PICU.</P> <H4>ABOUT THE AUTHOR</H4> <P>Robin A. LeBlond, MD is a second-year Pediatric Resident at the University of New Mexico Children’s Hospital in Albuquerque, New Mexico. </P> <P>Address correspondence to: Robin LeBlond, MD, UNM Children’s Hospital, Department of Pediatrics, MSC 10 55901, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001; fax: 505-272-6845; or e-mail: <a href="mailto:rleblond@salud.unm.edu">rleblond@salud.unm.edu</a>.</P> <P>Dr. LeBlond has disclosed no relevant financial relationships.</P>

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