
The paper presents a new Monte Carlo track structure code (KURBUC_carbon) for simulations of full-slowing-down carbon projectiles C0–C6+ of energies 1 keV u–1–10 MeV u–1 in water vapour. The code facilitates investigation of the spatial resolution effect for scoring track parameters under the Bragg peak of a carbon ion beam. Interactions of carbon projectiles and secondary electrons were followed interaction-by-interaction down to a 1 keV u–1 cutoff for primary ions and down to 10 eV for electrons. Electronic interactions and nuclear elastic scattering were taken into account, including charge exchange reactions and double electronic interactions for the carbon projectiles. The reliability of the code was tested for radial dose, range and W-value. The calculated results were compared with the published experimental data and other model calculations. The results obtained showed good agreement in most cases where comparisons could be made. Depth dose profiles for 1–10 MeV u–1 C6+ were used to form a spread-out Bragg peak (SOBP) of 0.35 mm width in water. At all depths of the SOBP, the energy distributions of the carbon projectiles varied appreciably with the change in the scoring volume. The corresponding variation was nearly negligible for the track average linear energy transfer (LET), except at the distal end of the SOBP. By varying the scoring slab thickness from 1 to 100 µm, the maximum track average LET decreased by ∼30%. The Monte Carlo track structure simulation in the full-slowing-down mode is a powerful tool for investigation of the biophysical properties of radiation tracks under the Bragg peak and SOBP of a carbon ion beam. For estimation of radiation effectiveness under the Bragg peak the new Monte Carlo track structure code provides yet another accurate and effective dosimetry tool at a single cell level. This is because radiobiology within tissue elements can be understood better with dosimetry at cellular and subcellular level.

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