
The most recent estimate of the number of extantamphibian species is 4800 (Glaw & Kohler, 1998) withapproximately 90% of these being anurans (frogs), thevast majority of which are the so-called ‘advanced’or neobatrachian frogs (Ruvinsky & Maxson, 1996). Neobatrachia includes all living hyloids (i.e. bufonids,centrolenids, hylids, leptodactylids, myobatrachids,pseudids, sooglosids) and ranoids (i.e. ranids, mantel-lids, microhylids, hyperolids). The designation of thesuborder Neobatrachia, originally based on morpho-logical evidence (Reig, 1958), is supported by recentmolecular work (Hedges & Maxson, 1993; Hillis

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