
Abstract A moist static energy (MSE) framework for zonal-mean storm-track intensity, defined as the extremum of zonal-mean transient eddy MSE flux, is derived and applied across a range of time scales. According to the framework, storm-track intensity can be decomposed into contributions from net energy input [sum of shortwave absorption and surface heat fluxes into the atmosphere minus outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) and atmospheric storage] integrated poleward of the storm-track position and MSE flux by the mean meridional circulation or stationary eddies at the storm-track position. The framework predicts storm-track decay in spring and amplification in fall in response to seasonal insolation. When applied diagnostically the framework shows shortwave absorption and land turbulent surface heat fluxes account for the seasonal evolution of Northern Hemisphere (NH) intensity; however, they are partially compensated by OLR (Planck feedback) and stationary eddy MSE flux. The negligible amplitude of Southern Hemisphere (SH) seasonal intensity is consistent with the compensation of shortwave absorption by OLR and oceanic turbulent surface heat fluxes (ocean energy storage). On interannual time scales, El Niño minus La Niña conditions amplify the NH storm track, consistent with decreased subtropical stationary eddy MSE flux. Finally, on centennial time scales, the CO2 indirect effect (sea surface temperature warming) amplifies the NH summertime storm track whereas the direct effect (increased CO2 over land) weakens it, consistent with opposing turbulent surface heat flux responses over land and ocean.

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