
We show how to realize two-zero textures of the Majorana neutrino mass matrix Mν based on modular A4 invariant models without flavons. In these models, all matter fields are assigned to three inequivalent singlets, 1, 1′ and 1″, of the finite modular group Γ3≃A4. Considering tensor products of the A4 group, it is easy to make the charged lepton mass matrix Mℓ diagonal. Since not all modular forms of a specific weight and level 3 can be arranged into three inequivalent singlets of A4 simultaneously, we can always make some entries in Mν vanish by properly assigning the representations and modular weights for the matter fields. We consider two cases where neutrino masses originate from the Weinberg operator and the type-I seesaw mechanism, respectively. For the former case, all seven viable two-zero textures of Mν (A1,2, B1,2,3,4 and C) can be realized successfully. For the latter case, only five of them (namely A1,2, B3,4 and C) can be achieved due to the intrinsic structure of the right-handed neutrino mass matrix MR in our assumption for simplicity.

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