
SUMMARY— A sample holder was constructed to prevent separation in a diphasic fluid during the determination of viscosity with a disc‐spindle viscometer. The holder consists of inner and outer cups separated with spacers. A magnetic stirrer causes fluid being tested to move through holes in the bottom, up around the outside, and over the top of the inner cup, creating a slow downward movement past the spindle. The movement is adjusted to a rate just sufficient to maintain a homogenous mixture and give a maximum stabilized shearing stress.Shearing stress was unaffected by direction of rotation of the stirrer. The agitation required for tomato juice apparently had but little effect upon shearing stress as indicated by tests with Newtonian fluids.The modified sample holder was used to determine viscosity of juices of several varieties varying in fruit characteristics. large differences were shown, but no relationship between fruit firmness and viscosity was apparent.

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