
AbstractSelection of monitored natural attenuation as a ground water remedy requires that sound scientific documentation clearly illustrating the effectiveness of this remedial alternative be presented to regulatory agencies and concerned citizens. An innovative radial diagram approach is applied to illustrate natural attenuation trends for total benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) and chlorinated ethenes at a former fire training area at Pittsburgh Air Force Base, New York. A BTEX‐CAH (chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons) radial diagram map shows that concentrations of site contaminants are generally decreasing along the primary flowpath downgradient from the source area. This radial diagram map also suggests that there is a spatial correlation between decreasing CAH parent compound concentrations and increasing or stable daughter product concentrations. This provides secondary evidence of intrinsic biodegradation of TCE downgradient from the source area. A SEQUENCE‐Redox™ map suggests that there is a spatial correlation between trends in electron acceptor and metabolic byproduct concentrations, and the decline in total BTEX concentrations downgradient from the source area. This correlation provides secondary evidence for the intrinsic biodegradation of total BTEX in the aquifer. This study demonstrates that radial diagram visual aids can provide a clear and efficient approach for documenting natural attenuation lines of evidence, as an alternative or a complement to using multiple contour maps, tabulated data, or log‐linear plots.

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