
A modified lateral approach for release of posttraumatic flexion contracture of the elbow is described. The approach is a modification of the procedure described by Nirschl for resection and repair of lateral elbow tendinosis (tennis elbow). The modified approach allows visualization of the entire anterior elbow joint without disturbing the common extensor origin or the collateral ligaments. If necessary, a second, posterior triceps-splitting incision is used to access the olecranon fossa. Twelve consecutive patients were treated from 1988 to 1992. Mean flexion/deformity, which measured 41° before operation, measured 8° immediately after operation. The mean flexion/extension arc measured 70° before operation and improved to 117° after operation. With an average follow-up of 36.5 months, mean flexion contracture was 11° and the mean flexion/extension arc of motion was 114°. In no case was a medial approach or transhumeral perforation required. All patients were treated after operation with the elbow splinted in extension for 3 days, after which they were started on an aggressive physical therapy regimen. There were no wound complications, no neurovascular injuries, and no formations of heterotopic bone.

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