
AN INGENIOUS operation for resection of the lateral wall of the orbit for the removal of orbital dermoids was described by Krönlein in 1888.<sup>1</sup>For many years this was the method of choice for the treatment of retrobulbar tumors, but of late years it has fallen into disuse in many places for several reasons: (1) The procedure as done with the Gigli saw was technically not easy; (2) an unsightly scar sometimes resulted (Fig. 1); (3) adequate working space often was lacking (Fig. 2), and (4) other procedures * completely replaced the Krönlein operation in some places. The purpose of this article is to present a simplified Krönlein operation which is relatively easy, will give greater exposure, will leave an inconspicuous scar, and, of itself, can do no damage to the orbital or periorbital structures. <h3>ANATOMY OF LATERAL WALL OF THE ORBIT</h3> Fortunately, the lateral wall is so constructed that

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