
Kleene algebra with tests (KAT) was introduced by Kozen as an extension of Kleene algebra (KA). The decidability of equational formulas p = q and Horn formulas ∧ i p i = q i → p = q in KAT has been studied so far by several researchers. Continuing this line of research, this paper studies the decidability of existentially quantified equational formulas ∃ q ∈ P. (p = q) in KAT, where P is a fixed collection of KAT terms. A new completeness theorem of KAT is proved, and via the completeness theorem, the decision problem of ∃ q ∈ P. (p = q) is reduced to a certain membership problem of regular languages, to which a pseudo-identity-based decision method is applicable. Based on this reduction, an instance of the problem is studied and shown to be decidable.

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