
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) comprises of sensor nodes, which form a network by building connections wirelessly, to send detected information from source to destination. Routing Protocols are utilized to shape honest to goodness and littlest routes between a starting node (source) and ending node (destination). Numerous WSN applications use various hierarchical routing protocols. Low Energy Adaptive grouping (LEACH) is the first hierarchical routing protocols and it takes after the standard of forming cluster of nodes and picking a cluster head randomly among the nodes for inter cluster communication. This type of cluster head election leads to attack by adversary node, hence a Modified LEACH algorithm is proposed in this paper. The execution of LEACH and Modified LEACH is assessed utilizing distinctive performance measurements and Modified LEACH was discovered to be extremely compelling in enhancing overall performance of the WSN. MATLAB is made use of, to simulate the undertaking situation.

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