
Prolonged infertility can cause psychological stress in spouses, which requires the intervention of psychologists, psychotherapists, and sometimes psychiatrists. Purpose: to find out the role of stress in the initiation of infertility in a married couple. Materials and method: to conduct an analysis of modern medical literature on the psychogenic form of infertility. Research results and their discussion
 There are data that thanks to the attention and sensitive attitude to the mental state of patients, pregnancy occurred in 60% of cases. Can this be called a placebo reaction?
 Such a reaction can occur in the initial period of examination of women with probable anovulatory infertility. Psychological examination of a married couple with infertility should not be considered as an examination option, which is resorted to only after the exclusion of organic damage. Psychological and social factors can play a significant role when a woman has pathology of the pelvic organs. To assess the prospects of infertility treatment, the doctor must determine which of the factors - somatic, psychological or social - plays a leading role.
 Only then can he take the right position in relation to patients and assess the degree of his intervention in complex human problems that may arise in the process of diagnosis and treatment, or when choosing an alternative to parenthood.

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