
The article presents an approach to the organization and management of the crop production process based on digitalization in an operating enterprise. The authors have given the basic components of the system of eight components, which are sufficient to fully organize and control the enterprises with an area of 10-15 thousand hectares. The authors also considered the structure of interaction of the eight components by process participants during the season and among themselves. The main achievements from the introduction of such a product, which exceeds the average indicators for this area by 2-10 times for certain criteria and allows increasing the efficiency of production by 1.5-2 times, are considered. A special feature of efficient production is the unique combination of technical means, the system of data accumulation, processing, and use, the high speed of decision-making on their basis, and the original author’s methods of forecasting pests and crop varieties. A single control center allows maximizing the potential of each resource (reduce component rates, increase the coefficient of soil moisture use, etc.), annually achieving the planned gross crop yield estimates at a given cost. The authors found that synergies between economics and technology must start with planning. The authors also presented a graphical representation of the process of working out the information to achieve the targets.

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