
While several researchers have suggested that soil aggregate turnover is a significant control on organic matter dynamics, the quantification of soil aggregate dynamics has yet to be achieved. Quantification of soil aggregate turnover is essential to testing any hypothesis concerning the relationship between aggregate turnover and organic matter dynamics. The goal of the current work was to propose a modeling approach to the quantification of soil macroaggregate dynamics. The approach taken was to define model compartments representing water-stable soil aggregate size fractions and describing the flows between compartments using first-order kinetics. Soil aggregate data from a 2-yr field study on two contrasting soils were used to calibrate the model and yielded soil aggregate mean residence times ranging from 4 to 95 d, where aggregate dynamics were generally two to three times more rapid in a Gray Luvisol compared to a Black Chernozem. The model was subsequently used to predict the distribution of applied tracer spheres in water-stable aggregate size fractions from an initially free state. The models closely predicted the Dy "mean weight diameters" (Dy-MWD) after two growing seasons. While the models have several limitations, they offer the first attempt to quantitatively describe soil macroaggregate dynamics, which is essential to predicting the response in organic matter dynamics to changes in aggregate dynamics. Key words: Soil aggregation, macroaggregate turnover, tracer, model

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